What I believe in:

Let not the style dictate you... you dictate the style...

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Monday, December 27, 2010

20 days.

So my email break lasted for 20 days. I do not think I am ready yet to be back completely. I do have a problem, & yes, it does exist! I am way to connected to the internet than I want to be, should be or would like to be. My hubby dearest reactivated my facebook account for 2 mins by mistake and I ended up with multiple notifications of people congratulating me on becoming an Aunt.. Yes my dearest Niece is finally in Town and is adorable :) Thank you all for your comments, sorry I coudln't reply on fb or via email (discipline).

I am still demanding distance from the internet as I do not think I can handle the addiction. So please try not to tempt me by NOT giving me any updates now n' then. I enjoy your messages, your subtle desire for me haha.

Okay, more later my lovelies..

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I am temporarily leaving gmail, msn and facebook. I will try and blog now and then to get some sort of writing in. I need some time off as I have realized how addicted I am to receiving and sending emails & msgs. Lets see, if this works out even for a day. You can comment on here if you need to talk. Much Love.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiness for good.

I am a little tired of religious tags being related to charity and giving. I get really upset when people say "oh don’t donate through this website as we are propagating their religion by doing so". Religious propaganda through a noble cause sounds absurd to me. I am not denying the occurrence but, I honestly don’t think that far; do the kids who receive these gifts? Or the poor who is blessed with a single meal in a shelter worry about what religion is providing for him/her? My cause seems much bigger than their tag line. Isn’t that enough?

I am sure we have charities around that do not have religious tags but then people point out "oh, but that’s from a Western country or a Muslim country" that apparently is clue enough for a child or a person distressed with tragedy to figure out the significant background, how far-fetched!

No they don’t care, all they are worried about is life, and that is all we should care about as well.

Not because God asked me to help my fellow human being but because I can.
Be good for what it’s worth; a life.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Here and Now

Forever eclipsed.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Haunted by Jennifer’s Ghost.

I am haunted by Jennifer’s ghost; a complete oddity, undeniably annoying and yet sacred. Constantly gazed up on, as though I’m being followed by her soul, and her reminder retaliating with every step I take. As if the epic inner battle of my conscience was not enough of a burden, now she has left me fearing my end, revering my life and sincerely questioning ‘can it be today, tomorrow, or the day after?’ can this life of mine suddenly end. Have I messed up too much? Have I apologized for all the times I have messed up? Have I asked God for forgiveness? Have I done enough good with this life of mine? Was her part in my life to recognize this fear? To recognize that spirits may not come back to haunt you but the thought of their demise can and will haunt you forever.