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Friday, December 3, 2010

Haunted by Jennifer’s Ghost.

I am haunted by Jennifer’s ghost; a complete oddity, undeniably annoying and yet sacred. Constantly gazed up on, as though I’m being followed by her soul, and her reminder retaliating with every step I take. As if the epic inner battle of my conscience was not enough of a burden, now she has left me fearing my end, revering my life and sincerely questioning ‘can it be today, tomorrow, or the day after?’ can this life of mine suddenly end. Have I messed up too much? Have I apologized for all the times I have messed up? Have I asked God for forgiveness? Have I done enough good with this life of mine? Was her part in my life to recognize this fear? To recognize that spirits may not come back to haunt you but the thought of their demise can and will haunt you forever.

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