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Monday, December 27, 2010

20 days.

So my email break lasted for 20 days. I do not think I am ready yet to be back completely. I do have a problem, & yes, it does exist! I am way to connected to the internet than I want to be, should be or would like to be. My hubby dearest reactivated my facebook account for 2 mins by mistake and I ended up with multiple notifications of people congratulating me on becoming an Aunt.. Yes my dearest Niece is finally in Town and is adorable :) Thank you all for your comments, sorry I coudln't reply on fb or via email (discipline).

I am still demanding distance from the internet as I do not think I can handle the addiction. So please try not to tempt me by NOT giving me any updates now n' then. I enjoy your messages, your subtle desire for me haha.

Okay, more later my lovelies..

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